This page and all included information is intended for the use of healthcare professionals only.  It is not intended to serve as a substitute for a thorough medical evaluation done by a qualified healthcare provider, but to provide tools to allied healthcare professionals in assessing and managing sport-related concussions.

If you suspect a life-threatening injury, call 911 immediately.

For any further directions of clarification regarding our forms, please call the Carolina Sports Concussion Clinic Hotline at 919-238-2017 to speak with a Certified Athletic Trainer.


Developed as part of the Consensus statement on concussion Zurich 2012, the SCAT3 is a tool, intended for use for healthcare professionals,  in sideline assessment of concussion.


Also a result of the most recent Zurich meeting, the Child-SCAT3 is intended for use by healthcare professionals.  It can be used as a tool to evaluate concussion in patients ages 5 – 12.

Intake Form

The foundation of any injury assessment lies in a thorough clinical interview.  Use this form to collect demographic information, existing risk factors, and current symptoms.  This form also allows you to score and make notes of results of a vestibular/balance screen.

CFPSM Vestibular Ocular Motor Screening and Balance Evaluation

The vestibular screen & balance screen are meant to be used as a screening tool for invovlement of the vestibular system following concussion.  For any persistent positive tests, increased symptoms with testing,  or persistent complaints of dizziness or balance difficulties, considering referring your athlete to a physical therapist with experience in vestibular testing & rehabilitation.

Instructions for the VOMS and balance screening can be found here:

Sample Care Plan

Once you have assessed an athlete, use this form to provide information about the importance of cognitive & physical rest, as well appropriate recommendations for school and sports.

Return to Play Progressions & Instructions

When an athlete is symptom-free with rest and school, consider starting him/her on a gradual return to play progression.  Follow this link for our sport-specific return to play progressions.


Education and awareness of sports-related concussion is imperative to those involved in youth sports.  Select the link above for a sample powerpoint presentation that can be used in your community to educate parents, coaches, players, and administrators about sports-related concussion.

If you are a certified athletic trainer or healthcare professional and wish to learn more or visit the Carolina Sports Concussion Clinic, please call the concussion hotline at 919-238-2017.